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Publishing your research with the London Mathematical Society
The Society publishes mathematical journals and books and is regarded as an authoritative source of peer-reviewed research by the international mathematical community.
By publishing your research in one of the Society’s journals you can be confident that your work has the best chance to be read, cited, and shared widely.
Not-for-profit publishing for the benefit of mathematics
For information on how to submit an article, please see the webpage for the individual journal.
The Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society is the London Mathematical Society’s flagship, highest impact, peer-reviewed journal. Published since 1865, it publishes articles of the highest quality and significance across a broad range of mathematics.
The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society publishes well written, high-quality research articles with a maximum length of 20 pages. The editors welcome submissions of research articles of general or specialist interest that represent a significant advance in mathematical knowledge, as well as submissions that are deemed to stimulate new interest and research activity.
It also publishes authoritative survey articles (of any length) and obituaries of distinguished mathematicians.
The Journal of the London Mathematical Society publishes well written, high-quality research articles with a maximum length of 20 pages. The editors welcome submissions of research articles of general or specialist interest that represent a significant advance in mathematical knowledge, as well as submissions that are deemed to stimulate new interest and research activity.
The Journal of Topology publishes papers of high quality and significance in topology, geometry and adjacent areas of mathematics. The Editors also welcome submissions on exciting new advances that connect topology and geometry with other parts of mathematics.
The Transactions of the London Mathematical Society is a fully gold open-access journal free to readers. It publishes articles of the highest quality with excellent exposition and has a broad scope that explores the interconnectedness of pure mathematics and extends the boundaries of its applicability.
Founded in 1935, Compositio Mathematica publishes first-class research papers in pure mathematics. All contributions are required to meet high standards of quality and originality and are carefully screened by experts in the field.
Mathematika publishes high-quality articles in pure and applied mathematics. Founded by Harold Davenport in the 1950s, it has a comprehensive scope with traditional strengths in combinatorics, geometry, analysis and number theory.
Moduli publishes significant new results on all aspects of moduli theory including techniques from: algebraic, differential and arithmetic geometry; combinatorics; dynamical systems; gauge theory; geometric analysis; geometric group theory; physics; representation theory; and topology.
Nonlinearity focuses on nonlinear phenomena and covers the interdisciplinary nature of nonlinear science, ranging from physics, mathematics and engineering through to biological sciences. It presents proofs and ideas, conjectures and numerical or physical experiments of significant interest.
For information on how to write a book for one of our book series, please see the webpage for the individual series.
The LMS Lecture Notes are short monographs giving an authoritative account of the present state of knowledge of a topic of current interest. The treatment may be informal but importance is attached to clear yet rigorous exposition. The series also accepts conference proceedings and similar collective works that meet its general objectives.
The LMS Student Texts complements the LMS Lecture Notes with textbooks aimed at advanced undergraduates or beginning graduate students. The series covers the whole range of pure mathematics, as well as topics in applied mathematics and mathematical physics that involve a substantial use of modern mathematical methods. Topics not of a standard nature though of current interest are also covered by volumes in this series.
LMS Newsletter
The LMS Newsletter welcomes submissions of feature content, including mathematical articles, career-related articles, and micro-theses, from members and non-members.
Find out more on the LMS Newsletter webpage.