UK home grown Kurdish mathematician wins Fields Medal

The London Mathematical Society (LMS) would like to congratulate this year’s Fields Medalists, in particular UK based mathematician Professor Caucher Birkar (University of Cambridge) who has received his award for his ‘proof of the boundedness of Fano varieties and for contributions to the minimal model program’, and Professor Peter Scholze (University of Bonn) ‘for transforming arithmetic algebraic geometry over p-adic fields through his introduction of perfectoid spaces, with application to galois representations and for the development of new cohomology t

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Recipients of the Royal Society Kavli Education Medal and Sylvester Medal

The LMS would like to warmly congratulate Professor Alice Rogers OBE on receiving the Royal Society’s Kavli Education Medal 2018, in recognition of her outstanding contributions to mathematics education.

The medal will be formally awarded at the Kavli Education Lecture 2018 and is awarded biennially to honour impact in the fields of science, mathematics or computing education. More information about the Kavli Education Medal is available here.

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2018 Louis Bachelier Prize winner

The 2018 Louis Bachelier Prize is awarded to Pauline Barrieu (London School of Economics and Political Science). Pauline Barrieu's scientific contributions cover a wide range of topics spanning pricing, risk management and insurance. Her insightful papers are motivated by the needs of the practical world while being skillfully crafted with elegant analysis that illuminates the underlying structure of the problem in question.

A full citation for Pauline can be found here.

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2018 LMS Prize Winners

The 2018 LMS Prize winners were announced at the Society Meeting on Friday 29 June 2018. The LMS extends its congratulations to this year’s prize winners and for their continued contributions to mathematics.

PROFESSOR KAREN VOGTMANN of Warwick University is awarded the POLYA PRIZE for her profound and pioneering work in Geometric Group Theory, particularly the study of automorphism groups of free groups.

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LMS President Designate

The London Mathematical Society (LMS) is pleased to announce Jonathan Keating FRS, as President-Designate. Professor Keating has been the Henry Overton Wills Professor of Mathematics at the University of Bristol since 2012 and Chair of the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research since 2015. Professor Keating will take over from the current President, Professor Caroline Series FRS, in November 2019. Professor Keating is known for his contributions to random matrix theory and quantum chaos, and their connections with number theory.

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LMS member receives OBE

The London Mathematical Society (LMS) congratulates Professor Peter Giblin on receiving an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours. Peter became an LMS member over 50 years ago in 1965 when he was a PhD student at King’s College London. He was a member of LMS Nominating Committee from 2006-9, the last two years as Chair, a Holgate Session Leader 2015-18 and gave an LMS Popular Lecture in 1989.

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The Gender Gap in Science Project

Funded by the International Council for Science (ICSU) and supported by many international scientific bodies including the IMU, the Gender Gap in Science Project is collecting data to develop a broader picture of the status of mathematicians and scientists across the world. The results will provide data about the situation of scientists and mathematicians worldwide, as well as focused information about women in these fields. The data will help inform interventions by ICSU and member unions to increase participation, especially for women.

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Mathematical Scientists among new Royal Society Fellows

The Royal Society has released details of its newly-appointed Fellows, among whom were Professor Alexander Dawid (University of Cambridge), Professor Nancy Reid (University of Toronto), Professor Geordie Williamson (University of Sydney) and Professor Daniel Wise (McGill University) Other elected Fellows included Professor Peter O’Hearn (University College London), and Israeli cryptographer Professor Adi Shamir (The Wiezmann Institute of Science) who was elected a Foreign Member.

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