Deloitte Report - Measuring the Economic Benefits of Mathematical Science Research in the UK

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has published the report it commissioned from Deloitte on the economic benefits of mathematical science research in the UK. The Council for the Mathematical Sciences (CMS) and the learned societies worked in partnership with the EPSRC and provided evidence, but the report is an independent study by the consulting firm Deloitte. The report reflects the excellence of the UK mathematics research base, and the impressive and far-reaching impact of the mathematical Sciences.

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Cecil King Travel Scholarship 2013

The London Mathematical Society (LMS) awards a £5000 Cecil King Travel Scholarship in Mathematics annually to a young mathematician of outstanding promise. The Scholarship is awarded to support a period of study or research abroad, typically for three months.

The award is competitive and based on a written proposal describing the intended programme of study or research and the benefits to be gained from such a visit. A shortlist of applicants will be selected for interview.

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