Sir Christopher Zeeman Archive

Christopher Zeeman

Published between
Title Author(s) Credits Publication date

Unknotting combinatorial balls

E. C. Zeeman Ann. of Math. (2) 78:501-526 (1963) November 1963

Non-triangulable polyhedral manifolds

E. C. Zeeman Arch. Math. 14:65-69 (1963) December 1963

Relative Simplicial Approximation

E. C. Zeeman Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 60:39-43 (1964) January 1964

On the Dunce Hat

E. C. Zeeman Topology 2:341-358 (1964) January 1964

Causality Implies the Lorentz Group

E. C.Zeeman J. Mathematical Phys. 5:490-493 (1964) April 1964

On regular neighbourhoods

J. F. P. Hudson and E. C. Zeeman Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 14:719-745 (1964) October 1964

On combinatorial isotopy

J. F. P. Hudson and E. C. Zeeman Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. 19:69-94 (1964) December 1964

Topology of the brain

E. C. Zeeman in Mathematics and computer science in biology and medicine, Medical Research Council, UK, 1965, 277-292 January 1965

Twisting Spun Knots

E. C. Zeeman Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 115 (1965), 471-495 March 1965


E.C. Zeeman in University Choice, Penguin Books, Baltimore, 1966 January 1966


E. C. Zeeman and M. W. Hirsch Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 72:113-115 (1966) January 1966

A topological theory of the brain

E. C. Zeeman preprint (1966) August 1966

Mathematics and creative thinking

E. C. Zeeman Psychiatric Quarterly 40, 1966, 348-354, State Hospitals Press, Utica, NY. Reprinted in Mathematics in School, Math Assoc, 1(2) 1972, 3-5, and in the Tanzanian Mathematical Bulletin, Dec1972, 12-18. December 1966

Piecewise linear transversality

M. A. Armstrong and E. C. Zeeman Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 73:184-188 (1967) January 1967

The topology of Minkowski space

E. C. Zeeman Topology 6:161-170 (1967) April 1967

How to reverse the brain drain in maths

E. C. Zeeman New Scientist, 4, May 1967, 273-264 May 1967

Transversality for piecewise linear manifolds

M. A. Armstrong and E. C. Zeeman Transversality for piecewise linear manifolds, Topology 6:433-466 (1967) November 1967

Mathematics or Experiment

G. Brindley and E. C. Zeeman Mathematics Teaching, Bull. Assoc. Teachers of Mathematics, 44, 1968 January 1968

Tolerance spaces and the brain

E. C. Zeeman and O. P. Buneman in Towards a Theoretical Biology: 1. Prolegomena. Ed. C.H. Waddington, An IUBS Symposium, Aldine, 140-151, 1968. January 1968

A mathematical explanation of creativity

E. C. Zeeman The Brain (BBC publication) Oct. 10, 1968 October 1968