The results of the 2023 LMS Elections to Council and Nominating Committee were announced at the Annual General Meeting on 17 November 2023.
The President, Professor Jens Marklof FRS, was elected for a term of two years in November 2022, taking office as President in November 2023.
Officers of Council:
Vice-President: Professor Iain Gordon
Vice-President: Professor Catherine Hobbs
General Secretary: Professor Robb McDonald
Treasurer: Professor Simon Salamon
Publications Secretary: Professor Niall MacKay
Programme Secretary: Professor Chris Parker
Education Secretary: Professor Mary McAlinden
Members-at-Large of Council
Member-at-Large (Committee for Women and Diversity): Professor Sara Lombardo
Member-at-Large: Dr Andrew Brooke-Taylor
Member-at-Large: Professor Elaine Crooks
Member-at-Large: Dr Jessica Enright
Member-at-Large: Dr Rachel Newton
Member-at-Large: Professor Gregory Sankaran
Six Members-at-Large of Council were elected in 2022 for two-year terms: Professor Peter Ashwin, Professor Minhyong Kim, Professor Jason Lotay, Professor Anne Taormina, Professor Amanda Turner, and Professor Sarah Whitehouse.
Nominating Committee
Professor Karin Baur
Professor Victoria Gould
Continuing members of the Nominating Committee are: Professor Tara Brendle FRSE (Chair), Professor Nira Chamberlain, Professor Laura Ciobanu, Professor Philip K. Maini FRS FMedSci FRSB, and Professor Helen Wilson. Council will also appoint a representative to the Committee.