Protect Pure Maths relaunches as the Campaign for Mathematical Sciences

The Protect Pure Maths Campaign has relaunched as the Campaign for Mathematical Sciences (CaMS). The campaign, which is managed by the London Mathematical Society, aims to advance the mathematical sciences for discovery, innovation and the economy, by supporting engagement and providing specialist advice in maths policy.

Founded in 2021, the campaign’s initial focus was on the closure of several pure mathematics departments, including at the University of Leicester. It has since worked on a number of projects, raising awareness about under funding in mathematical sciences research, highlighting the importance of growing the mathematics people pipeline, and calling on the government to invest in recruitment and retention of mathematics teachers.

CaMS has now outlined its Plan for Maths, which calls on the government to adopt a five-step plan to maximise the value the mathematical sciences bring to the UK. These include developing a National Strategy for Mathematics to strengthen the UK’s global leadership in the mathematical sciences. Read the full plan at

CaMS has also launched a new Maths Degrees for the Future programme, which offers grants of up to £500,000 to help universities develop new mathematical sciences degree programmes. Read more about this at

Updated 14 August 2024