Read the latest papers in Moduli

Papers in Volume 1 of the new journal Moduli are available to read on the Moduli website hosted at Cambridge University Press.

Moduli provides a new forum for significant results on all aspects of moduli theory and related mathematics. It is published by the London Mathematical Society in partnership with Cambridge University Press on behalf of Foundation Compositio Mathematica and is supported by an Editorial Board of world-renowned researchers. All contributions are required to meet high standards of quality and originality.

The scope includes (but is not restricted to) techniques from: algebraic, differential and arithmetic geometry; combinatorics; dynamical systems; gauge theory; geometric analysis; geometric group theory; pure mathematics inspired by physics; representation theory; and topology.

Moduli is an open access journal, so all articles are free to read. The journal uses a sustainable publishing model where authors are asked to contribute to the costs of running the journal by taking advantage of funding arrangements for open access publication where such exist, but no author is obliged to pay a charge. In most cases the article processing charge is covered by publishing agreements already in place between Cambridge University Press and the author's institution.

For more information about Moduli, read the Letter from the Editors. You can submit your paper here