LMS Invited Lectures

The Invited Lecturers Series aim to bring a distinguished overseas mathematician to the United Kingdom to present a small course of about ten lectures spread over a week. Each course of Invited Lectures is on a major field of current mathematical research, and is instructional in nature, being directed both at graduate students beginning research and at established mathematicians who wish to learn about a field outside their own research specialism.

Guidelines for the Invited Lectureship series

Invited Lecture Series 2026 - Call for Nominations - deadline 1 June 2025

Any member and their department who would like to suggest a topic and lecturer and be prepared to organise the meeting at their own institution or a suitable conference centre can submit a proposal.

Please note that from 2024 onwards, the Invited Lecture Series will be held biennially in even-numbered years. The Call for Nominations for the Invited Lecture Series 2028 will open in 2026 and the deadline will be 1 February 2027.

Proposers are invited to suggest a topic and Lecturer for the meeting, which they should be prepared to organise at their own institution or a suitable conference centre.

The Society encourages nominations of mathematicians from diverse backgrounds.

The format of annual Invited Lectures series is:

  • meetings at which a single speaker gives a course of about ten expository lectures, examining some subject in depth;
  • held over a five day period (Monday to Friday) during a University vacation;
  • the meetings are residential and open to all interested. 
  • Funding of up £6,000 is given to the host department to cover the Invited Lecturer's travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses (with a further £1,000 available to cover caring costs, where required) and to support attendance at the lectures. 


Please review the Notes and Guidance for Potential Organisers before submitting the proposal.
Proposals should contain details of
  • the Invited Lecturer, including a short CV
  • the supporting lecturers; organisers should ensure that there is a good gender balance amongst the supporting lecturers.
  • proposed topics
  • the scientific programme
  • dates
  • an outline budget
 All proposals should be submitted by email to lmsmeetings@lms.ac.uk

List of previous Invited Lecturers

Enquiries about the Invited Lectures should be directed to the Chair of the Society, Lectures and Meetings Committee: lmsmeetings@lms.ac.uk.

Any queries should be sent to; lmsmeetings@lms.ac.uk